STRIP Exposes Dirty Little Secrets

12:22 PM

Removing unwanted hair is actually a quite common things nowadays. However, there are different hygiene standards offered by different saloons. People nowadays are still not aware the importance of the hygiene standard when they are doing hair removal service.

As the first hair removal brand, STRIP had launched a campaign “Dirty Little Secrets Exposed” in order to bring the awareness to the world-class hygiene standards every consumer deserves. I was invited to the event on last week to know more about the campaign.

In the event, refreshment was served with some cupcakes and beverage. And also there is a photo booth to let us take some photos. It is quite fun actually.

There are few aspects that are commonly overlooked for hygiene when having hair removal treatment.

1.    Using a new disposable razor for each customer,
2.    Ensuring each customer receives a fresh towel, and
3.    Making sure all therapists are gloved up during the treatment.  

In order to in line with the Dirty Little Secrets Exposed campaign, STRIP had been updated its Hygiene Packs to a look like vibrantly colored condom packets. I had been receiving a Hygiene Pack which contained all the tools needed for the treatment. It includes disposable wooden spatulas, a disposable razor cartridge, a pair of disposable latex gloves, wet wipes, cotton pads, cotton buds etc.

To further drive home the importance of cleanliness at STRIP, they present these three cheeky characters to remind customers on what to look out for when choosing a hair removal salon.

-We go through 6,000 disposable razor cartridges a week and will never be caught with our pants down re-using an electric shaver.
-We are faithful in replacing our towels with fresh ones after every customer, so you can be assured they are always clean.
-All our therapists are mandated to glove up with a new pair of disposable latex gloves during a treatment, so cross-contamination is kept to a minimum. #useprotection

Remember that every customer deserves the right to safe and hygienic hair removal. So join STRIP in saying ‘NO’ to hair removal salons that harbor dirty little secrets. For more information, please visit



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